The Power of Journaling

“Writing in a journal each day, with a structured, strategic process allows you to direct your focus to what you did accomplish, what you’re grateful for, and what you’re committed to doing better tomorrow. Thus, you more deeply enjoy your journey each day, feel good about any forward progress you made, and use a heightened level of clarity to accelerate your results.”


There are so many benefits to journaling, and today, I’m sharing my tips for best practices for journaling.

Inspired by one of my favorite books, The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, here are my favorite insights about journaling and its benefits for your life.

Benefits of Journaling

  • It reduces stress

  • It empowers you to gather and explain your thoughts and feelings

  • It allows you to discover more about yourself, helps you uncover what makes you happy, what drives you, and how to effectively navigate your emotions and behaviors

  • It gives you means to work through difficult feelings and learning to self-soothe

  • It helps you solve problems through critical thinking and using our emotions, intuition, and creativity

  • It’s a means to practice forgiveness and reflect on disagreements, and cultivate understanding and compassion for others

  • It’s a great way to stay accountable to your goals and track improvement (of both short-term and long-term goals)

Best Practices for Journaling and My Favorite Tips

  • Be Yourself – a journal is where you can be your true self without worry of what others may think, be true to yourself and authentic; open up

  • Don’t worry about spelling and grammar (success = being legible and you can understand it)

  • Write by hand (improves your memory recall of events and what you have written)

Want to dive deeper? Explore the practice of journaling with my book,
To Medicate or Not? That Is the Question.



To be heard and to listen.

“When you journal, you’re giving yourself a voice, allowing yourself to be heard… while listening!”

- Denise Beaulieu